Carnegie Mellon Parties Up High

What builds libraries, explores caves, and knows the meaning of kaeng raeng (???????)? After spending an action-packed week exploring northern Thailand with Into the Wild, the freshmen of Carnegie Mellon in Qatar certainly do. We ask one question at the beginning of … Continued

It’s Not Raining Underground

Rain couldn’t stand in the way of a great adventure when Qatar Academy rocked out at Crazy Horse this week.  A steady drizzle kept us inside caves for most of the day.  Far from limiting the activities, however, staying in … Continued

Family Adventures with the US Consulate!

Family adventure ruled last Saturday as the Chiang Mai U.S. Consulate community took on Crazy Horse.  Explorers large and small scaled limestone cliffs, scrambled around in gloomy caves, and sailed across the Tyrolean Traverse 40 meters above the ground!  Sounds … Continued

Canadian International School of Singapore Climbs High

Thanks Canadian International School of Singapore for a FUN full day of rock climbing, caving, rappelling, and Tyrolean Traverse!  CMRCA really enjoyed working with you.  What was your favorite part of the day?  Ours was seeing the smiles on so … Continued