Core Values

CMRCA’s 10 core values are what define us. They represent the way our company operates. When we come to work, make decisions, and interact with our customers and our community, our core values ensure that those actions support our vision of being the best outdoor adventure, experiential education, team building, and distribution company in Asia.


Core Value #1

Our people are not just staff. We are brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles.

We care about each other: our futures, our careers, the people in our lives.

We can talk about anything with each other and we support and advise each other when in need.

We don’t just work together, we play together, laugh together, cry together and grow together, as a CMRCA family.

When we make decisions we do it knowing that it is best for the members of our family. We will never look as just co-workers.

Read more about our family on the meet the team page.



Core Value #2

It’s not enough to provide good service with good standards.

We are committed to quality in everything we do.

We aim to provide the highest quality of safety, standards and service across the board. This means doing things a bit differently.

We take time to focus on the development of safety procedures and training. We focus on aligning our standards with the toughest standards internationally. We make the effort to do something a little bit out of the ordinary to make people feel welcome and appreciated.

Curious about the specifics of how we maintain safety and excellence in our services?



Core Value #3

The old adage of “there is no ‘I’ in team,” is overused and is also true.

We value the input that each person in the company makes to every project, service and product we provide. We expect to be challenged by our colleagues and we are open to different points of view from any place in the company.

Working as both a team and a family makes the team better and creates a team spirit of fun and support of each other. Our team members are proactive and find solutions to problems as they arise and help each other when things get tough. This makes for a fun and positive environment where every person makes valuable contributions to the team’s overarching goals.



Core Value #4

As a family of passionate adventurers, we recognize that sustainability

must be a priority in the way we live. Our office is found in mountains, caves, valleys and cities and we must be committed to preserving the resources that help us achieve our goals and dreams.

When we speak about sustainability, we speak of building a sustainable business that can last for many years and continue to provide for its people and the communities that surround it.  We speak about choosing to develop sustainably whether it be professional development, bolting practices, or community development.

We also mean thinking sustainably about the environment and our impact not just in the outdoors, but as travelers, as users of energy, in everything we do each day. This means actively choosing to use sustainable transportation, eat responsibly, reduce our use of plastic and constantly think about how we can do better and then share that with those around us.

Please help spread the word about some of our current sustainability projects: drinking water in Chiang Mailocal lunches and drinking water at Crazy Horse…and check out our Adventure Store for gear that will help you reduce your impact on our environment.



Core Value #5

Our community is our foundation. We are who we are because of the people  who surround us.  They inspire us and motivate us to be better.

Our community is filled with people from all corners of the earth and provides an incredible platform for us to exchange ideas for a better future, promote healthy living and make lasting relationships.  We actively work to build and support our community both as climbers and as global citizens.

We are committed to sharing our experience and passion with all of those who make our vision possible, including climbers, travelers, local vendors, and local communities in which we work.

Find out more about the Chiang Mai Climbing Club, our local red truck drivers, and our community events.



Core Value #6

Adventure is at our core. We don’t just take others on adventures, we make sure we are adventuring ourselves.

On any given day you will find our family climbing, caving, hiking, biking, or traveling to far away places. Our personal adventures feed our passion to share our experience with others. Climbing, caving and adventure have taught us a lot about ourselves, our strengths, our limitations and our potential.

A life filled with adventure inspires change, creativity and innovation and keeps us fresh and excited with a zest for life.

Check the Climbing & Caving Blog for updates on our most recent adventures.



Core Value #7

Working at CMRCA is a progression. We each learn and grow with each day. We constantly challenge ourselves to develop new skills and ideas and as our family develops, so does CMRCA.

If you don’t enjoy being challenged and learning something new every day, then you likely won’t enjoy working with us.  The last thing we want is to have people who are bored while they are working. We know that we have lots to learn and that it can take years to master skills and become an expert, and that spending that time can be frustrating. We also know that when we get there, we will find new skills that we need to learn.

The climbing and caving that we do inspires us to recognize that we are always learning and growing and when we get to the top of a mountain or the bottom of a cave, we celebrate for a moment and then move on to the next challenge.

Learn more about CMRCA’s professional development efforts through our exchange programs.



Core Value #8

Why wait for the weekend to have fun when we can choose to have fun every day? If we spend about 35% of our lives working (most of the rest is spent eating or sleeping), we believe it should be fun, challenging and exciting.

We want our people to experience life to the fullest and if they don’t love what they are doing, then why do it? We make sure that we all know what it is we love about our work and we share that with each other so that we can support each other in creating experiences and situations where our work is filled with passion and fun.  This may come out in fun conversations around our home, finding fun ways to take the office outside, surveying unexplored caves, or pushing ourselves with new projects, climbs and challenges.

Loving what we do takes the “work” out of work and keeps our family members thinking about the kind of work experience we want to create.



Core Value #9

We take our work seriously and we all take responsibility for our  actions. Whether taking adventurers climbing and caving, exploring new cultures with youth, facilitating to corporate groups, or developing climbing and caving areas, we take responsibility for what we do and what happens around us.  Climbing and caving teach us that life is not about blaming others, it’s about knowing our strengths, owning up to our weaknesses and learning how to be better.

When we take responsibility, we build trust with ourselves, with each other, and with our community and this strengthens us and motivates us to continue.

Read more about our risk management policy and the actions we take to take care of the people, places, and systems we are responsible for.



Core Value #10

We value Thai culture, its traditions, its nuance and beauty. We will always maintain a respect for Thailand, Thai people and Thai customs. We embrace it by teaching Thai culture in all of our services.

How does this manifest? We take mid day breaks for spicy Som Tam. Foreigners who work with us speak Thai. We share our knowledge of Thai customs with visitors who may not understand the difference in behavior between theirs and Thailand.  We are always looking for ways to connect with Thai culture, whether it be participating in a rocket festival in Mae On, releasing lanterns together on Loy Krathong, or parading to local temples.

Thai culture teaches us to be present, to be respectful, to remember that living life is important and it is ok to slow down and focus on relationships. We are a Thai company.